Interview with Tyler Wright + Band Members
Words and Photos by Gracie Gianoukos
I had a chance to sit down and talk with Tyler Wright and other band members of the Brooklyn, NY based band TVOD (short for Television Overdose) about their newest single and music video release “Goldfish” at their Alphaville show in Brooklyn, NY on November 5.
Gracie: So tell me and the rest of the world, who is TVOD (Television Overdose)?
Serge (guitarist in TVOD): TVOD started with Tyler who started writing and recording songs over the course of quarantine in 2020 with his girlfriend, Nikki Sisti (the vocalist and guitarist who’s now in the band, “Thick”). After quarantine he started playing live with the band and it became more and more of a rolling shit show as the shows went on. Members got swapped out and people filled in, which became more of a live band than a sole recording band.
Gracie: TVOD hit the music world with a rollout of three tracks over the course of the last month: “Alien”, “Mantis”, and “Goldfish” which just released today. How has the process been for the three track release and why did you choose to rollout in that way?
Serge: Alien was the very first recorded track with the band that you see on stage tonight, all other tracks had been recorded with just Tyler and his friends in the studio during COVID. These tracks have been more about capturing the energy of the band, versus the other ones prior to this band were just capturing the songs.
Tyler: That’s a good question. The three tracks were all recorded in one day after TVOD had played a show at Mercury Lounge; we all got pretty drunk after the show and I blew my voice. I sounded like Steve-O and we were super hungover but we were able to pump out three songs which were recorded by Mike Abiuso and they came out great.
Gracie: Tell me all about the “Goldfish” single as well as the music video? What is the meaning behind the single and video in which you wish the audience to perceive or gather?
Jenna (plays keys in TVOD): “Goldfish” is kind of a party song, we all wrote that song together but Tyler had come up with the lyrics already.
Tyler: Our friend Scott Palazzo made the animated video entirely through email, everytime he sent me updates I was blown away. The song is pretty much an ode to my dead goldfish, Phoebe. She died on my watch and I am terribly heartbroken about it. But when I wrote “Goldfish”, I wanted to pin her death on my friend Ted. He has no idea this song is coming out about him at all, which I find funny. The song is about how I imagined if Phoebe died and then she came back to life and joined us here, honestly at Alphaville, which I consider “the underground” or “the Devil’s keep”. In the music video, the goldfish dies and goes into the New York City underground and lives with all of the freaks.

Gracie: What’s a piece of advice you wish to contribute to the world right now that will also be on the internet forever and ever?
Jenna: Take chances. It’s better to regret doing it than not doing it; just don’t hold yourself back, and you don't know until you try. It is never too late to follow your dreams or chase after something that you want.
Tyler: Buy better toilet paper, it’s actually worth the long run in the end.
Gracie: I agree with that, thank you for your time.
Check out TVOD’s newest single release and music video “Goldfish” here!
Gracie Gianoukos