Words By: Emma Hintz
"DIY" has become a genre in and of itself, gaining major traction in the mainstream media with artists like "Clairo" blowing up and hitting the charts. Out of Tampa, Florida, Amaria has something different to offer than most DIY artists. Starting out as an acclaimed photographer and videographer in the scene, she recently has made the transition from behind the camera to in front, and she's killing it. Her first single "Morning" gained almost 300,000 streams on spotify and she's only going up from there. We sat down with her to talk about the advantages of being a DIY artist, as well as the benefits of being a multimedia creator.
Small Talks: Thank you for taking the time to talk with us! Can you give us a little introduction?
Amaria: Hello! I’m Amaria. I’m an alternative neo-soul, R&B singer based out of Tampa, Florida.
Small Talks: What was the process of getting started as an artist like?
Amaria: Coming from mainly being a photographer/videographer, personally, my process was mostly based around having to make the transition from being behind the camera to being in front. It was a very odd experience, but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it...
Small Talks: With the release of morning you had instant traction, what was it like dealing with that?
Amaria: It was an overwhelming experience in the best way possible. Getting such positive feedback on my very first single only made me more determined to begin my journey as an artist.
Small Talks: Do you find that being a multimedia creator influences your creative process?
Amaria: 100%. Being able to create my own content has made the media process super smooth. As I’m making a song, I’m already envisioning the photos and videos that will go along with it and how I will go about it.
Small Talks: Being a diy artist, do you find advantages in the way you are able to release music? what are the struggles you face?
Amaria: I think a big benefit of being a diy artist is the freedom of being able to do whatever you want. There aren’t any limits or restrictions to your sound, it all comes down to your own creative decision.
Small Talks: What do you think sets you apart as an artist?
Amaria: Hmm...I feel like my sudden jump from being just a fan of music to being the artist gives me a certain perspective on things that some artists may not have. Some of my views on the decisions I make as an artist come from what I would have wanted to see as a fan of music.
Small Talks: What’s been on your playlist recently?
Amaria: Oooo I’ve been really digging the new Tom Misch album. Also, Tame Impala’s entire discography, of course.